HGDS - Hospital General Dr. Santiago
HGDS stands for Hospital General Dr. Santiago
Here you will find, what does HGDS stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hospital General Dr. Santiago? Hospital General Dr. Santiago can be abbreviated as HGDS What does HGDS stand for? HGDS stands for Hospital General Dr. Santiago. What does Hospital General Dr. Santiago mean?Hospital General Dr. Santiago is an expansion of HGDS
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Alternative definitions of HGDS
- Hungarian Generative Diachronic Syntax
- Hospital Grade Disinfectant Spray
- Hemophilia Growth and Development Study
- Hemophilia Growth Development Study
- Hub Group Distribution Services
- Hazardous Gas Detection System
View 7 other definitions of HGDS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HGLC Hospital General Lázaro Cárdenas
- HGUT Hospital General Universitario de Torreón
- HGV Hospital General Valladolid
- HG Hospital Guadalajara
- HGP Hospital Guadalupe de Puebla
- HG Hospital Guernika
- HH Hospital Hermosillo
- HHE Hospital Hispano de Especialidades
- HI Hospital Independencia
- HIBV Hospital Infantil Beatriz Velazco
- HIM Hospital Infantil de México
- HIP Hospital Infantil Privado
- HJZ Hospital Jardinada de Zamora
- HJSR Hospital Jiquilpan San Rafael
- HJP Hospital Juan Pablo
- HLC Hospital La Carlota
- HLL Hospital La Luz
- HF Hospital las Fuentes
- HL Hospital Latinoamericano
- HLE Hospital Latinoamericano de Especialidades